Friday, 7 November 2014

November Wishlist | prettylittlewriter

December is fast approaching, which only means one thing, Christmas shopping must commence! 
Whether it be buying presents for others or buying Christmassy things for myself, I absolutely adore shopping at this time of year, everything is just so cute!

So here are a few of my must haves for November when I get paid!

I also found these adorable cards that I want to get to send out to people!

What is on your November Wishlist?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh those Beauty and the Beast pj's are ADORKABLE!!! ^.^ And the kitten socks!

    This month I'm really hoping for some fuzzy socks... mine have gotten holey and it's getting really cold here! >.<

    I love your taste though. :3 Very cute things!
