Wednesday 20 August 2014

Baking a Birthday Cake | prettylittlewriter

Yesterday it was my lovely mummy's birthday! So I decided to bake her a cake :)

Firstly I'm going to show you what ingredients I used and how I made it.
I decided to bake a chocolate cake as myself and the rest of my family aren't big fans of other kinds of cake such as plain sponge and other fancy types.

Sainsbury's own Basics Sponge Mix
Cocoa Powder
Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Icing
Free Range Eggs
Flakes (not in the image)

1. Pour the sponge mix into a mixing bowl with the cocoa, 1 medium sized egg and 75ML of water (5 table spoons).
2. Mix for 3 minutes with an electric whisk or a kitchen aid (medium speed).
3. Pour mixture into a baking tin, ensuring the mixture is kept smooth.
4. Bake for 30 minutes on Gas Mark 6 (400DF, 200DC).
5. Leave the cake to cool for 5 minutes before removing from the baking tin and placing on a cooling rack. Leave for another 15-20 minutes before icing.
6. This is where your creativity comes in. You can decorate the cake however you like! I chose to place maltesers all around and in the middle and sprinkle with chocolate flakes :)

2. Mixture after whisking

3. When pouring the mixture into the baking tin, make sure to keep it as flat as you can otherwise the cake will be uneven when cooked.

Now when it came to decorating the cake, I wanted it to look nice but not too fancy, so I simply spread some of the chocolate fudge icing over the top of the cake and then placed the maltesers in a circle around the edges with one in the middle and then sprinkled some crumbled flakes over the top.

I hope you enjoyed this post; I thought I'd do something a little different :)
Any comments you have I would love to hear!


  1. This looks so simple and delicious!

    1. thank you! I thought I'd try something a little different than my usual post, and I love baking! :)
