Sunday, 10 August 2014

Liebster Award Nomination | prettylittlewriter

So, I've been nominated by the lovely Emma Louise for the Liebster Award! Go check out her blog, she posts some great stuff! :)

Once Nominated You Have To:

· Link the person that nominated you
· Answer all the questions that you are given
·Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate
and finally
· Pick 11 Questions for them to answer and let them know

The questions I have received are;

1.What is your all time Holy Grail beauty product and why?
Probably the Benefit Dandelion Face Brightening Powder, seriously couldn't live without it!

2.Favourite Nail Polish?
At the moment it's Liz Earle's Strengthening Nail Colour in Awakening

3.Why did you start blogging?
I was inspired by the amazing Zoella and her lovely blog/videos and I just wanted to share little bits of my world with everyone!

4.Favourite Clothing Shop?
Combination of Primark, Topshop and H&M!

5.Heels or Flats?
Definitely flats, can't be dealing with the pain after a couple of hours!

6.Beauty product most disappointed with?
Probably the Rimmel Kate Moss Rockin' Curves Mascara, it is just too clumpy and leaves a lot of residue!

7.Who is your Style Icon?
I have two, Youtuber Zoella; she just has the cutest style and it is so close to my own! Then there is Lucy Hale, who brings out the Country girl in me! 

8.Summer Style or Winter Style?
Winter style definitely, I do love nice flowery dresses in summer, but I much prefer getting snug in some cute jumpers and boots! 

9.False Eyelashes Yes or No?
Unfortunately not, I don't get on with them at all (basically because I'm rubbish at applying them!)

10.Favourite Film?
My all time favourite film is A Cinderella Story starring Hilary Duff!

11.Lipstick or Lipgloss?
Lipstick, I don't like my lips to be sticky!

I nominate:
The Curator of Knowledge -

Go check them out, they all have some lovely posts :)

My questions for you;
1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
2. What is your all time favourite hair product?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. Favourite film?
5. What would you rather live without, make up or hair products?
6. Style icon?
7. Favourite TV show?
8. What is your favourite season?
9. Favourite online store?
10. Favourite colour?
11. What can't you live without?

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