Monday, 11 August 2014

My Kitty Blossom | prettylittlewriter

For today's blog post I thought I'd give you a little insight into my world; my lovely kitty Blossom! She is my pride and joy and I love her to pieces, I honestly don't know what I'd do without her! :)

She is a mixed breed, although I'm not entirely sure the exact name as we adopted her from a family friend and never found out her breed!

She is now nine years old which is approximately 56 years old in cat years!

 When Blossom was a little baby :)

She often does silly things and we can find her hiding in the funniest of places...

 Like boxes...

And Primark bags!

She even lets us dress her up occasionally...

She loves to sunbathe in the summer...

She is also one of the biggest posers ever!

Especially when she's been naughty but thinks she's brought us a present!

Poor little guy :(

She also pulls the funniest faces!

Playing dead! 


And sometimes gives the evillest looks!

So there you have it; some insight into my home life with my gorgeous kitty Blossom! I hope you liked this post, comment if you would like to see more like this :)

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